How do organizations embrace life-long learning that creates a differentiated workplace? Much of what we know about work is being turned upside down. Our friend, executive, researcher and author, Sunnie Giles, has created a 6-point model that helps leaders disrupt themselves and their functions—or risk being disrupted. In this short excerpt from her newest book,...Read More
(5 Ways To Simplify And Get Back Control) Clutter creates confusion. It is a threat to mental and emotional clarity. Life has enough complexities without adding fuel to our chaotic fire. Peace of mind – some call it flow – often eludes us. Ever so slowly our minds can drift into a state called...Read More
What Has Become Irrelevant In Corporate Culture? There has been much written and said about the shifting workforce. We see the Millenial generation (1983-2001), entering organizations at an amazing rate, while at the same time Baby Boomers (1946-1964), are retiring. In our research that involved multiple corporations and thousands of managers and Millennials, we identified...Read More
What’s True And What’s Myth? Sometime ago a USA Today Snapshot (2008), revealed the satisfaction level executives had with their jobs. Job/Satisfaction Level Finance – 68% Human Resources – 65% Marketing – 63% General Management – 61% Sales – 54% The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index confirmed those earlier findings. They have polled literally millions of adults...Read More
(Millennials: Play To Their Strengths) When I was in high school the creative kid was someone out on the fringe. We (and their instructors), would say, “Boy. Does that kid have their head in the clouds!” The intended meaning was that they were hopelessly disconnected from the real world. How things have changed! Today “living...Read More
Every leader wants their employees to perform at an-above-average level. My friends, Scott and Ken Blanchard give two tips on how to fire up the employee passion and keep it burning. First, remember why you got into the business in the first place, and second, connect the dots between an individual’s work and the organization’s...Read More
Time management can be a way of avoiding the obvious. No one can manage time. Time just is. It flows like a river. But unlike a river, you can’t stop it or store it up. There is no dam to stop or store time. We live in a time/space continuum. Which means that time =...Read More
Tough times? Every organization goes through them. More attention is being paid to the bottom line. That being the case, equally as much attention should be paid to the frontline—the team members that produce the results. In the earlier posts in this series (part I & part II), I said we need to Staff By...Read More
I’ve learned a lot of lessons from coaching volunteers. These principles are just as important for our hourly or salaried employees. When money is tight we can either get pessimistic or productive. The tendency is to avoid people. They need the leader’s attention more than ever during challenging times. In my last post I said...Read More
It’s a very common scenario—times are tough and there’s a budget squeeze. So what’s a great team leader supposed to do? THE ANSWER – take a lesson from nonprofits and use the tools they have developed for motivating and rewarding volunteers. There are many lessons I’ve learned from coaching and leading volunteers. Here are some...Read More