No matter how much we think we shouldn’t judge others, we are conditioned to do it. Making quick judgments can lead to regrets. We narrate and share stories about others – usually without most of the facts. We know that caution should be used when making judgments about someone’s character or choices. Largely these are...Read More
At your core there exists a unique set of abilities. We refer to them as strengths. These are not difficult to discover. There are many “strength finder” type assessments that are more than capable of pointing these abilities out. What usually goes unnoticed are the multiple enablers that surround our lives and enhance our abilities. ...Read More
Leadership at all levels is a key force in any organization. So it makes sense that self-leadership would be a key force in your personal life. As you take a break from your role at work, you do not take a break from your role as a leader. Leadership starts in yourself. That’s the key...Read More
Did you know that the typical internet user is twice as likely as others to feel that people can be trusted? Facebook users are the most trusting of all. A typical user is 43% more likely than internet users to feel folks can be trusted. They are three times more likely to trust people than non-internet...Read More
Gratitude, Thanksgiving, and Contentment rise from the same place. They are a combination of feelings, attitudes and behaviors. They are not the result of a perfect life. They are the result of a full life. Contentment is the choice to be at peace with yourself and at peace with the world around you. Webster’s...Read More
The world that lies before us is often a mysterious, and sometimes a frightening place. Navigating it effectively takes a personal quest for authenticity. Authenticity allows us to live a life of courage, compassion, and connection. It does not eliminate anxiety, but it tempers it so that it does not become a lifestyle. As we...Read More
I recently spoke to the Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium in Oklahoma City and then Tulsa on 6 strategies to strengthen our integrity in a greedy world. How is it possible to “Face the herd?” As a result, I was interviewed by The Company Ethicist, a San Francisco based organization, on what it means to...Read More
4 Ways To Use Humor As A Dealer Of Hope “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.” Ella Wheeler One of the greatest gifts you can give to others is the gift of humor. Yet using humor to lift other’s spirits is a little more complicated than at first...Read More
……….And 6 Practices That Will Help There have been numerous books and articles that expose our irrational thinking. It tends to make us uncomfortable, but often the truth does. One of the more popular titles is Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. Science backs up what we’ve always suspected was true. ...Read More
Life has a way of pushing us over if we let it. One of the main antidotes against being a pushover is to know what we truly want out of life. This comes down to a decision to choose you. The most difficult phase of life is not when others do not understand you. It’s...Read More