
Mick Ukleja
How do organizations embrace life-long learning that creates a differentiated workplace?  Much of what we know about work is being turned upside down.  Our friend, executive, researcher and author, Sunnie Giles, has created a 6-point model that helps leaders disrupt themselves and their functions—or risk being disrupted.  In this short excerpt from her newest book,...
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To Validate = (1) to confirm the truth; (2) to register formally; (3) to make legal; (4) to make somebody feel valued. Validation is a part of life. It starts in the home with our caregivers. It continues as we go to school. We are validated to various degrees with test scores and feedback from...
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How do leaders leverage themselves—especially in the area of making good decisions? Group input is highly valuable for the best decisions. However, over-confidence can cause the leader to go solo when he or she feels it suits them. This usually leads to the erosion of others confidence in the executive’s ability to lead. 2 myths...
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Who hasn’t been discouraged by lack of follow through or falling short of a desired goal or milestone? There are probably some good objective reasons why this occurred. But one that may go undetected is the surplus of options that we encounter. That might sound strange, for it seems at first glance that options are...
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(Letting Our Soul Catch Up To Our Body) Without distractions, my senses are alive. They make me acutely aware of my surroundings. For the time being I can focus on what’s important. At home white noise prevents me from thinking about the most important details in my life, at least until recently. This summer I...
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I recently did a training session for the leadership team and staff of Special Olympics of Southern California. One third of the participants were Millennials.  Their attentiveness to career development and life choices was personally encouraging.  These 2 things are also at the core of the present day topic of Extended Adolescence. Just as the...
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The famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde once said, “The final mystery is oneself.” But how do you unravel the mystery that is you? This can’t happen without self-awareness, and self-awareness won’t happen without reflection. Yet what does reflection really mean? Reflection is different from introspection. Introspection is simply looking in. Stopping there not only limits...
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When our dreams collide with reality, reality wins! Dreams without action is a world of make believe.  Consider the following: 96% of college professors believe they have above average teaching skills. 50% of high school students believe they will attend law school, medical school, or grad school. Time magazine asked in a survey, “Are you...
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No matter how much we think we shouldn’t judge others, we are conditioned to do it.  Making quick judgments can lead to regrets.  We narrate and share stories about others – usually without most of the facts.  We know that caution should be used when making judgments about someone’s character or choices.  Largely these are...
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“God never made any material as resilient as the human spirit” Resilience is an appealing characteristic. The temptation is to make it bigger than life. It’s not bigger than life. It’s how we go through life — successfully. Here are 5 truths about resilience to remember. IT’S NOT JUST FOR A SELECT FEW – When...
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