I’ve learned a lot of lessons from coaching volunteers. These principles are just as important for our hourly or salaried employees. When money is tight we can either get pessimistic or productive. The tendency is to avoid people. They need the leader’s attention more than ever during challenging times. In my last post I said we need to Staff By Strengths and Appoint By Passion… and I also said to Let Them Lead. Let me add two more tips…
Organizations that do leverage their workers, whether paid or volunteer, do a class job of orientation. They take the time and strategic effort to tell the organization’s story. They show each team member how they will be contributing to the “big picture” vision of where the organization is going. They show them how they will be representing the values of the organization in their individual assignment. What if your company doesn’t have an orientation process? Then create one for your team! Let them see your vision and passion. Assist them in connecting with the other team members. Leave no ambiguity of what is expected of them in their performance. Keep it simple. Keep it measurable. And keep them focused on the right values.
Nothing is more satisfying to homo sapiens than being thanked in public. Thank your boss publicly. Thank your peers openly. Always blame your team for your success. There’s a by-product to habit. When you publicly affirm others, you automatically rise in everyone else’s eyes! WHY? People love genuine humility, and they already know the truth about your success.