Respond to the following statements with always, sometimes, and never: In uncertain times, I usually expect the best. If something can go wrong for me, it will. I hardly ever expect things to go my way. I rarely count on good things happening to me. Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me...Read More
Anxiety can sprout as fast as mushrooms in a dark room. It seems to multiply in the closets of our minds. And if we get lazy, it will get the best of us. As counterintuitive as it is, anxiety is a lazy habit. We usually associate it with speed, racing, activity, hysteria, imbalance, over-functioning, plate-spinning,...Read More
Rarely have I heard anyone say to me, “Have an average day”. We have been programmed to believe that average is substandard. “Exceptional” has become the “new” average. Facebook depicts one exceptional life after another – all bliss – no downside – frozen in time. A world where everyone is trying to be exceptional has...Read More
As we approach this year’s closure, what is the #1 quality that will propel us into the new year – with a head start? It will be your desire. Desire is the fire within! So let’s take the time to measure your desire meter. If I want to get an idea of a person’s...Read More
Gratitude, Thanksgiving, and Contentment rise from the same place. They are a combination of feelings, attitudes and behaviors. They are not the result of a perfect life. They are the result of a full life. Contentment is the choice to be at peace with yourself and at peace with the world around you. Webster’s...Read More
How many times have you heard the statement, “people have a natural resistance to change?” Is that true? Dig a little deeper and you might discover resistance to change is just the symptom. People have a natural resistance to feeling incompetent. Humiliation is a deep fear we all possess. We don’t want to feel or...Read More
Some people take simple things and make them complicated. As we become wiser we take complicated things and make them simpler. This is what turns a good communicator, into a great communicator. We know what it’s like to have a professor wow us with complex ideas. We might be impressed, but we remain disconnected. That’s...Read More
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I think the reason I appreciate it so much is because it helps simplify my life. It focuses on gratitude and a thankful disposition. When I begin to think and feel what I am thankful for, it usually excludes many of the things that complicate my life. I see them...Read More
Try Nurturing the Abundance Mentality You hear it over and over in different forms, but the mantra is clear: resources seem scarce. Many people worry that we will run out of the necessities such as oil, food, and money-the list goes on and on. This concern can be demoralizing and debilitating. When that attitude takes...Read More
The Key To Creating An Atmosphere Of Inspiration Trust is a universal need. It is important whether you are leading or following. Leaders cannot lead without the trust of their teams. On the other hand, leaders will not be able to lead unless they trust their teams. In a study of 32,000 employees in large...Read More