In a survey of top leaders by Booz and Company in 2013 84% of companies surveyed said culture was critical to success and yet the majority admitted their culture needed a major overhaul. So, how do you transform a culture to meet your company’s needs today? How can you get employees or teams to behave...Read More
Living your life with a bug-free mind is essential in removing barriers to your growth. We accumulate a set of beliefs over the years. Mixed in with good beliefs are also some bad beliefs we’ve naturally picked up along the way. Getting rid of those bugs equips us to flourish and persevere during the toughest...Read More
How things have changed! What use to be derogatory — “having your head in the clouds” — has become the best connected way of life. It amazes me how cloud computing has integrated all my apparatuses and made my computing a little more seamless. As long as my wireless is working I have instant access...Read More
Often our journeys appear on the surface to be solitary, but they are far from it. Success isn’t a solo act. Surrounding yourself with good people and mutual supporters is essential for success. We need the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual support of others. King Solomon said it well, Two are better than one, because...Read More
Here Are 5 Ways To Develop It click hear to listen to the audio blog “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein We live in a target-rich environment. As a result it’s easy to get distracted from a strategic life and chase after so many things that seem important. ...Read More
Life has a way of pushing us over if we let it. One of the main antidotes against being a pushover is to know what we truly want out of life. This comes down to a decision to choose you. The most difficult phase of life is not when others do not understand you. It’s...Read More
What is culture? It has been defined as “what everybody does when the boss isn’t looking.” It is the attitudes and behaviors that will happen by default unless there is an intentional effort to produce the culture you want. It is so powerful that it dictates how your organization will behave. How powerful is it? ...Read More