We all want to be validated. It is essential to a healthy life. Yet it has a shadow side we need to understand. What is validation and how can it lead to a flawed view of reality? For starters… We are born with an innate desire for validation. Babies’ emotions, in part, are drawn from...Read More
“A pessimist sees the glass half empty. An optimist sees the glass half full. An engineer sees a glass twice the size it needs to be!” – Anonymous Respond to the following statements with always, sometimes, and never: In uncertain times, I usually expect the best. If something can go wrong for me, it will....Read More
That’s the common phrase you often hear from pundits. But is it? When we first see something or somebody, the way we perceive it or them often determines how we think of them. Yet it’s important to understand that perception is subjective. Another way to say this is that it’s personal. The truth? We perceive...Read More