How things have changed! What use to be derogatory — “having your head in the clouds” — has become the best connected way of life. It amazes me how cloud computing has integrated all my apparatuses and made my computing a little more seamless. As long as my wireless is working I have instant access...Read More
In Spite Of The Fiscal Cliff Everyone is talking about the looming Fiscal Cliff. It’s an issue, yet there is another threat that has gone unnoticed by the mainstream media. An appropriate metaphor would be that of a Demographic Tsunami. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a slowdown in the labor force growth and...Read More
Leo Durocher, the baseball legend, made famous the statement, “Nice guys finish last.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Incompetent people finish last. Not only can nice people finish first, but more importantly, they finish better. There is ample evidence that you can do well by doing right. Research has shown that when leaders...Read More
Let’s start with what everyone agrees on. It’s good for employees to be motivated and not so good when they’re not. So the question then becomes, why isn’t it happening on a more consistent basis? In our work with Millennials (Gen Y), Indifference is one of their perceived orientations by the thousands of managers we...Read More
(Millennials: Play To Their Strengths) When I was in high school the creative kid was someone out on the fringe. We (and their instructors), would say, “Boy. Does that kid have their head in the clouds!” The intended meaning was that they were hopelessly disconnected from the real world. How things have changed! Today “living...Read More
(News Alert!! Training Beats Bonuses) The job market, at first glance, looks anything but encouraging. On the surface there seems to be a dwindling supply of jobs. That’s the feeling we get. And it is true that one-third of the 2011 college grads according to one survey (Adecco Group)*, live at home with their parents....Read More
(Are You Prepared To Attract Qualified Workers?) You’ve read the headlines. One day they say, Companies Report Record Profits. The next day it’s, Unemployment Is At 10 Percent. What gives? Payrolls have been cut to the bone. Technology has created a surplus of unskilled labor, thus layoffs. It will create new and better jobs, but...Read More