By: Brigadier General Jeffrey Foley I am pleased to invite my colleague and friend as our guest to Leadershiptraq. Brigadier General Jeffrey Foley (retired), has, throughout his military career, served in leadership positions around the world. In these constantly changing environments, his genius was to keep everyone focused on the accomplishment of the mission while creating...Read More
How things have changed! What use to be derogatory — “having your head in the clouds” — has become the best connected way of life. It amazes me how cloud computing has integrated all my apparatuses and made my computing a little more seamless. As long as my wireless is working I have instant access...Read More
What is the purpose of your organization? What do you want to be known for—both inside and outside your company? You might not have a Department Of Culture Development, yet the development of culture should be a clear and compelling goal that saturates your entire organization, whether you are a profit or nonprofit entity. Culture...Read More
In Spite Of The Fiscal Cliff Everyone is talking about the looming Fiscal Cliff. It’s an issue, yet there is another threat that has gone unnoticed by the mainstream media. An appropriate metaphor would be that of a Demographic Tsunami. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a slowdown in the labor force growth and...Read More
What is culture? It has been defined as “what everybody does when the boss isn’t looking.” It is the attitudes and behaviors that will happen by default unless there is an intentional effort to produce the culture you want. It is so powerful that it dictates how your organization will behave. How powerful is it? ...Read More
(What Are Your Strength Roles?) What do people who excel in a particular job or position do differently than those who don’t. I’m talking about having exceptional levels of performance like engagement, retention, productivity, less work related accidents, or any job related performance you want to observe. It seems to always vary from team to...Read More
(Millennials: Play To Their Strengths) When I was in high school the creative kid was someone out on the fringe. We (and their instructors), would say, “Boy. Does that kid have their head in the clouds!” The intended meaning was that they were hopelessly disconnected from the real world. How things have changed! Today “living...Read More
(News Alert!! Training Beats Bonuses) The job market, at first glance, looks anything but encouraging. On the surface there seems to be a dwindling supply of jobs. That’s the feeling we get. And it is true that one-third of the 2011 college grads according to one survey (Adecco Group)*, live at home with their parents....Read More
It seems logical on the surface to cut training. After all, budgets must be trimmed in this economic environment. Not only is the training financially a burden, but there is so much on the organization’s plate that entering into this kind of “extracurricular” activity is time consuming. There is an urgent need to focus on...Read More