When our dreams collide with reality, reality wins! Dreams without action is a world of make believe. Consider the following: 96% of college professors believe they have above average teaching skills. 50% of high school students believe they will attend law school, medical school, or grad school. Time magazine asked in a survey, “Are you...Read More
Let’s start with a fact. Humans are great at building walls, especially the emotional kind that keep people out. What goes unnoticed is that there are two sides to wall-building. If we build that wall they won’t get close enough to hurt us. The other truth is that they won’t come close enough to help...Read More
Your brain has the ability to reorganize itself by forming new neuro connections throughout your entire life. This is called neuroplasticity, which has become a popular term. Your brain is like a supercomputer. It has more connections than there are stars in the universe. Picture your brain as the hardware. The operating system would be...Read More
Failure and mistakes don’t create anxiety. Anxiety is created by the fear of failure and mistakes. Anxiety takes our precious energy and consumes it in a future place that is not real. Energy is only productive when exercised in the present. “Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly experiencing failure in advance. What a waste.” —Seth Godin...Read More
Life has a way of pushing us over if we let it. One of the main antidotes against being a pushover is to know what we truly want out of life. This comes down to a decision to choose you. The most difficult phase of life is not when others do not understand you. It’s...Read More