How To Be Successful

Respond to the following statements with always, sometimes, and never: In uncertain times, I usually expect the best. If something can go wrong for me, it will. I hardly ever expect things to go my way. I rarely count on good things happening to me. Overall, I expect more good things to happen to me...
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No one has ever become a hero by dodging discomfort. At the core of our stories, fairy tales, movies and legends, the hero always encounters varying degrees of disequilibrium and disorientation. And this is where the greatest learning takes place. Everything you’ve ever wanted is one step across your comfort zone. How do you view...
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I know! It sounds like the title of a documentary on a third-world rouge dictator who’s been overthrown.  However, it’s much closer to home. “70% of strategic failures come from poor execution of leadership…it’s rarely for lack of smarts or vision” – Ram Charan It’s one thing to develop a strategy but quite another to execute...
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Let’s start with a fact. Humans are great at building walls, especially the emotional kind that keep people out. What goes unnoticed is that there are two sides to wall-building.  If we build that wall they won’t get close enough to hurt us.  The other truth is that they won’t come close enough to help...
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We’ve just come off a “fresh start” high! However, we all know the statistics of the New Year resolutions failure rate. It’s very high to say the least. One reason is that the person who made those New Year’s goals is not the same person that will carry them out!! The one (you), that made...
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We all have that feeling that something needs to change.  And that’s why resolutions are popular.  But let’s face it.  Statistics highlight the tremendous failure rate of resolution roulette. If you are like most people you will find yourself huddling around 3 or 4 resolutions. Usually they involve some kind of improvement on a bad...
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We live in a world that is constantly battling for our minds.  A weak mind is no match for that kind of exposure.  Mental fortification is a must if we are going to thrive—let alone survive—in today’s world. Mental toughness elevates your game. Is talent important?  Yes, but that’s not the key.  We all know...
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The miracle of life starts with a single cell that multiplies into a complex organism of hyper-learning, along with the potential to accomplish amazing tasks.  So having a growth plan that is intentional is the most natural thing in the world. It is imprinted in our DNA.  Yet it’s not automatic.  It needs to be...
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ALERT! Almost half of Americans will set New Year’s resolution.  Only 8% will be successful.    92% will have failed by February 1st. Here’s the good news 🙂 You have a healthy desire to improve on your life. You would like to delete some behaviors and add others. Here’s the bad news 🙁 Autopilot takes...
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The world that lies before us is often a mysterious, and sometimes a frightening place.  Navigating it effectively takes a personal quest for authenticity. Authenticity allows us to live a life of courage, compassion, and connection.  It does not eliminate anxiety, but it tempers it so that it does not become a lifestyle.  As we...
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