


The Key To Overcoming Brain Drain

There are new challenges that threaten to undermine the continued growth of our knowledge economy. The giant sucking sound that could be heard is the sound of knowledge being drained out of organizations by retirements and other turnovers. The term Brain Drain was first coined by the Royal Society to describe the immigration of scientists and technologists to America from post-war Europe.  The term has...
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Gratitude Is The Control of Your Emotional Thermostat

Are you grateful? That’s a big question. It is pronounced at this time of the year. You can be grateful for the big things like health, or even the little things like the comforts of your home. It’s not a science as much as it is an art, whereby you acknowledge certain things in your life. Here are 2 benefits. #1—It Creates An Energy Shift....
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Are Millennials Really That Different?

I was at a dinner party a few nights ago where the topic around the table was each person’s generational grouping. There is often a concerted effort to label generations with dates. Then people look at their date of birth to put a particular description or disposition on themselves. Caution. The natal anniversary of an individual should not be used to describe an individual’s behavior....
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6 Mindsets To Help Transition Millennials into the Workforce

“Why would I have to do what my boss asks me to do?” The student who asked this question of his friend was quite serious. Though it seems incredulous, with some thought, that question is not so easy to answer. The Millennial’s sincere curiosity wasn’t meant to be disrespectful. Yet the perception from most people who hear this question would be quite the opposite. The...
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4 Benefits Engaged Millennials Bring To The Workplace

“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence. It’s to act with yesterday’s logic.” – Peter Drucker Many organizations are re-thinking, re-imagining, and reinventing the workplace. They are doing so for a number of reasons.  As they look at current trends, they become better at understanding future demographics.  They are not looking simply to cope with the changes, but rather to use...
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3 Reasons Why Millennials Crave Flat Leadership Structures…..

“Can’t I just say, ‘Because I said so?’” This is how a manager reacted when asked how she would react to Millennial staff with questions. But dismissing this generation and ignoring their questions, may be why they keep quitting. 83% of Millennials admit they would perform better in companies with less management levels. In our research we observed a bias that prevent some managers from...
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