To Validate = (1) to confirm the truth; (2) to register formally; (3) to make legal; (4) to make somebody feel valued. Validation is a part of life. It starts in the home with our caregivers. It continues as we go to school. We are validated to various degrees with test scores and feedback from...Read More
Who hasn’t been discouraged by lack of follow through or falling short of a desired goal or milestone? There are probably some good objective reasons why this occurred. But one that may go undetected is the surplus of options that we encounter. That might sound strange, for it seems at first glance that options are...Read More
(Letting Our Soul Catch Up To Our Body) Without distractions, my senses are alive. They make me acutely aware of my surroundings. For the time being I can focus on what’s important. At home white noise prevents me from thinking about the most important details in my life, at least until recently. This summer I...Read More
“God never made any material as resilient as the human spirit” Resilience is an appealing characteristic. The temptation is to make it bigger than life. It’s not bigger than life. It’s how we go through life — successfully. Here are 5 truths about resilience to remember. IT’S NOT JUST FOR A SELECT FEW – When...Read More
If we don’t learn good habits, life becomes more difficult. We have a choice: Get hard on ourselves so life becomes easier, or get easy on ourselves resulting in life getting harder. Successful people choose good habits over a stagnate life. At first it might not seem like you are accomplishing much – but don’t...Read More
Leadership is about influence. And the most important person to influence is yourself. Since that’s true, the question is, “How can we best influence ourselves? Here are 5 ways the smartest people do this Make peace with the uncontrollable. Figure out the things you can change, and then change them. If you can’t change something,...Read More
No one has ever become a hero by dodging discomfort. At the core of our stories, fairy tales, movies and legends, the hero always encounters varying degrees of disequilibrium and disorientation. And this is where the greatest learning takes place. Everything you’ve ever wanted is one step across your comfort zone. How do you view...Read More
There was a group of tourists visiting a small village in Europe. They walked by an old man sitting on a wooden fence. One of the tourists asked, “Were there any great people born in this village?” The old man replied, “Nope. Just babies!” This story raises an important point. Growth takes time. It is a...Read More
A tripwire is a passive triggering mechanism. It’s a cord, string, or wire that is attached to some device for detecting or reacting to physical movement – like the perimeter of an army camp. It’s an early warning system that some choices have to be made. In the book Decisive , the authors use the...Read More
Picture the scene. I’m standing in line at the Atlanta Airport in the midst of a mob of folks whose flights had been cancelled due to inclement weather. For anyone who travels, this is the ultimate frustration. As the ticket agents attempted to calm down the edgy travelers you could feel an emotional force field...Read More