How many times have you heard the statement, “people have a natural resistance to change?” Is that true? Dig a little deeper and you might discover resistance to change is just the symptom. People have a natural resistance to feeling incompetent. Humiliation is a deep fear we all possess. We don’t want to feel or...Read More
Living your life with a bug-free mind is essential in removing barriers to your growth. We accumulate a set of beliefs over the years. Mixed in with good beliefs are also some bad beliefs we’ve naturally picked up along the way. Getting rid of those bugs equips us to flourish and persevere during the toughest...Read More
When we encounter discomfort we are faced with 3 choices: Avoidance, Resignation, or Engagement. Avoidance has its place. Why create discomfort where it’s not necessary? How does one decide what is and isn’t necessary? Going to school and work often create discomfort, but it’s necessary. Exercising can create discomfort, but we know the benefits. Medical...Read More
Measuring Your Desire Meter If I want to get an idea of a person’s desire to grow and develop I ask a simple question. “Are you satisfied with your life right now?” If the answer is, “I’m very satisfied, very content with where I am”, I come to the conclusion that there is very little...Read More