
At your core there exists a unique set of abilities. We refer to them as strengths. These are not difficult to discover.  There are many “strength finder” type assessments that are more than capable of pointing these abilities out. What usually goes unnoticed are the multiple enablers that surround our lives and enhance our abilities. ...
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When the top 5 regrets of the dying were listed, the number one was, “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself; not the life others expected of me.” Of course this is hindsight, and hindsight is 20/20.  But what if we could do it over again?  The good news is...
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We live in a culture that favors the strong.  In that context “meekness” is often confused with “weakness.”  Yet nothing could be further from the truth.  Meekness is a power word.  In the ancient world it was often used to describe the winning horse in a race.  They were called “meek”, which meant “strength under control.” ...
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The Voice of Wisdom or The Monkey Mind? The most important voice you’ll listen to today is yourself. There are a lot of voices that clamor for our attention—like monkeys chattering as they swing through the trees. But the one voice that has the most positive upside or the most negative downside isn’t what others...
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