The famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde once said, “The final mystery is oneself.” But how do you unravel the mystery that is you? This can’t happen without self-awareness, and self-awareness won’t happen without reflection. Yet what does reflection really mean? Reflection is different from introspection. Introspection is simply looking in. Stopping there not only limits...Read More
Leadership at all levels is a key force in any organization. So it makes sense that self-leadership would be a key force in your personal life. As you take a break from your role at work, you do not take a break from your role as a leader. Leadership starts in yourself. That’s the key...Read More
I love “The most interesting man in the world” commercials. Like — “He would not be afraid to show his feminine side – if he had one.” “His mother has a tattoo that reads…”Son’”. “At museums he’s allowed to touch the art.” “There is a place in Siberia which, to this day, remains unfrozen because...Read More
What makes one person persevere through tough circumstances while others fall to pieces? Which individuals will enter and complete their Navy Seal Training and which ones will quit? In the national spelling bee which students will advance in the competition? Which teachers in tough areas will still be teaching at the end of the year...Read More
“Have you discovered your passion?” That’s not a bad question. It’s just that it can be misleading. We have this expectation that our passion is discoverable — like some gold nugget buried in the bank of a river. A better question might be, “what’s next today?” People become fat, one bite at a time. We...Read More
At the core of personal mastery is self-under-standing. Transformation is about dealing with fundamental motives and causes rather than simply dabbling with symptomatic issues. Nurturing these 5 “self’s” will fuel your quest for personal mastery. 1. Self-Awareness. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is not as easy as it sounds. To understand our personal surpluses and...Read More
(5 Habits Of Highly Interesting People) I love “The most interesting man in the world” commercials. Like — “He would not be afraid to show his feminine side – if he had one.” “His mother has a tattoo that reads…’Son’”. “At museums he’s allowed to touch the art.” “There is a place in Siberia...Read More