The famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde once said, “The final mystery is oneself.” But how do you unravel the mystery that is you? This can’t happen without self-awareness, and self-awareness won’t happen without reflection. Yet what does reflection really mean? Reflection is different from introspection. Introspection is simply looking in. Stopping there not only limits...Read More
Does The Persona Reflect The Person? When Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion finally met up with the mighty Wizard, they were intimidated by his presence. He was big and powerful and confident and wise. But then they discovered something that surprised them. Inside the mighty Wizard of Oz was a little man pulling a...Read More
The Voice of Wisdom or The Monkey Mind? The most important voice you’ll listen to today is yourself. There are a lot of voices that clamor for our attention—like monkeys chattering as they swing through the trees. But the one voice that has the most positive upside or the most negative downside isn’t what others...Read More
(Not To Be Confused With Introspection) The famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde once said, “The final mystery is oneself.” But how do you unravel the mystery that is you? For one thing you need to be self-aware. Yet this won’t happen without reflection. Now we talk about reflection, disproportionately, at this time of the year....Read More