They are called “The Golden Google Rules!” Google is not known as being a management guru organization. After all, they create things—technical stuff like search engines and productivity tools like Gmail. They started out with a philosophy of just leaving people alone. Let the engineers create their wonders. 20% of their work is “free time”...Read More
Do you remember what you did the first hour of every school day? You went to your Homeroom. In doing so you would enter your day slowly. You would catch up with friends and get a couple of things done so you could focus on the day before you. Those days are long gone. Most...Read More
Albert Einstein once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not too simple.” Of course we know that he did this in the realm of science. E = MC² is an example of taking a complex idea and simplifying it for us mere mortals—but not so simple that it loses it’s accuracy....Read More