To Validate = (1) to confirm the truth; (2) to register formally; (3) to make legal; (4) to make somebody feel valued. Validation is a part of life. It starts in the home with our caregivers. It continues as we go to school. We are validated to various degrees with test scores and feedback from...Read More
“God never made any material as resilient as the human spirit” Resilience is an appealing characteristic. The temptation is to make it bigger than life. It’s not bigger than life. It’s how we go through life — successfully. Here are 5 truths about resilience to remember. IT’S NOT JUST FOR A SELECT FEW – When...Read More
One of the most popular marketing niches today is anti-aging. Yet no matter how much hype it gets the process of aging is inevitable. The good news is that the effects and severity of the progression can be slowed down, but not stopped. “Aging well is the supreme expression of wisdom.” —Michael Gelb Along side...Read More
Leadership is about influence. And the most important person to influence is yourself. Since that’s true, the question is, “How can we best influence ourselves? Here are 5 ways the smartest people do this Make peace with the uncontrollable. Figure out the things you can change, and then change them. If you can’t change something,...Read More
Leadership at all levels is a key force in any organization. So it makes sense that self-leadership would be a key force in your personal life. As you take a break from your role at work, you do not take a break from your role as a leader. Leadership starts in yourself. That’s the key...Read More
We all have that feeling that something needs to change. And that’s why resolutions are popular. But let’s face it. Statistics highlight the tremendous failure rate of resolution roulette. If you are like most people you will find yourself huddling around 3 or 4 resolutions. Usually they involve some kind of improvement on a bad...Read More
Fear is a fact. We all experience it. When I talk about fears, I’m not referring to the phobias that people have or the adrenaline that explodes through our body when our safety is suddenly threatened. The first needs clinical help, and the second recedes as the danger passes. I’m talking about those fears that...Read More
“Our mission in life should be to make a positive difference, not to prove how smart we are or how right we are.” Peter Drucker Leadership is about influence. When we influence others, we are leading them. When we influence ourselves, we are self-leading. That brings up the question, “What are the thoughts, behaviors and...Read More
4 Ways To Use Humor As A Dealer Of Hope “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.” Ella Wheeler One of the greatest gifts you can give to others is the gift of humor. Yet using humor to lift other’s spirits is a little more complicated than at first...Read More
How Can You Make Success Certain? Living your life with a bug-free mind goes a long way in removing barriers to personal and professional growth. As humans, we accumulate a set of beliefs over the years. We usually aren’t even aware of them. Mixed in with good beliefs are also some bad beliefs we’ve picked...Read More