To Validate = (1) to confirm the truth; (2) to register formally; (3) to make legal; (4) to make somebody feel valued. Validation is a part of life. It starts in the home with our caregivers. It continues as we go to school. We are validated to various degrees with test scores and feedback from...Read More
“God never made any material as resilient as the human spirit” Resilience is an appealing characteristic. The temptation is to make it bigger than life. It’s not bigger than life. It’s how we go through life — successfully. Here are 5 truths about resilience to remember. IT’S NOT JUST FOR A SELECT FEW – When...Read More
Stop and consider how far you’ve come in the last 10 years. Reflect on this and you will be able to see how much you’ve changed. Now think about how much you will change over the next 10 years. That becomes a little more difficult. Here’s the problem. It’s easier for us to remember than...Read More
Based on our research and your response, we’ve listed last year’s top 10 blog posts. Several hit a real “need” in your lives. Some of my favorites were not on the list, but yours are. Here’s what we did – A. We have identified our top 10 posts 1. 9 Things Not To Do When You...Read More
You can be certain that this year will include uncertainty. Yet that should not stop you from moving forward on the abundant landscape stretched out before you. There will be fears along the way. So we tend to dread fear. All uncertainty has a certain amount of fear. Seth Godin poses another alternative, “how can...Read More
Ebola and isolation are used in the same sentence. When someone needs to be quarantined isolation is a stopgap. But it was never intended to be a way of life. Yet people — without even thinking about it — isolate themselves all the time. Isolation Limits potential Restricts capacity Lowers impact Who are your allies,...Read More
How many times have you heard the statement, “people have a natural resistance to change?” Is that true? Dig a little deeper and you might discover resistance to change is just the symptom. People have a natural resistance to feeling incompetent. Humiliation is a deep fear we all possess. We don’t want to feel or...Read More
There was a group of tourists visiting a small village in Europe. They walked by an old man sitting on a wooden fence. One of the tourists asked, “Were there any great people born in this village?” The old man replied, “Nope. Just babies!” That story raises an important point. Growth takes time. It is...Read More
Nothing stands still. Things get better or worse. Let’s make this more personal. We are either getting better or worse. It’s a universal principle – starting with the Universe itself –that which doesn’t expand, contracts. We are either going forward or backward. Stephen Covey referred to this kind of thinking as sharpening the saw. Just...Read More
What makes us the most powerful creature on earth? It’s our imagination! With our imagination we are able to think into the future. We create, plan and manipulate our environment. Because it is powerful, it also has the ability to pollute our lives and cause personal damage in the form of stress and anxiety. Add...Read More