(Letting Our Soul Catch Up To Our Body) Without distractions, my senses are alive. They make me acutely aware of my surroundings. For the time being I can focus on what’s important. At home white noise prevents me from thinking about the most important details in my life, at least until recently. This summer I...Read More
Gratitude, Thanksgiving, and Contentment rise from the same place. They are a combination of feelings, attitudes and behaviors. They are not the result of a perfect life. They are the result of a full life. Contentment is the choice to be at peace with yourself and at peace with the world around you. Webster’s...Read More
Some people take simple things and make them complicated. As we become wiser we take complicated things and make them simpler. This is what turns a good communicator, into a great communicator. We know what it’s like to have a professor wow us with complex ideas. We might be impressed, but we remain disconnected. That’s...Read More
It’s hard to stand up for someone you don’t know, including yourself. The task of defining one’s self gets caught up in our attempts to protect ourselves with a bucket full of defense mechanisms. This in turn confuses the journey of discovering who you are. Self-understanding is warped with the image we attempt to project. ...Read More
The Key To Creating An Atmosphere Of Inspiration Trust is a universal need. It is important whether you are leading or following. Leaders cannot lead without the trust of their teams. On the other hand, leaders will not be able to lead unless they trust their teams. In a study of 32,000 employees in large...Read More