“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” Margaret Cousins Appreciation means to increase in value. We understand the concept of appreciation in the financial realm, yet increasing the value of others is not as clear. Rather than talk about the “how...Read More
What is the purpose of your organization? What do you want to be known for—both inside and outside your company? You might not have a Department Of Culture Development, yet the development of culture should be a clear and compelling goal that saturates your entire organization, whether you are a profit or nonprofit entity. Culture...Read More
Are you as smart as a 5th grader? New York’s Conference Board, a century-old research firm, began studying employee satisfaction and engagement 25 years ago. Their work shows that worker happiness has fallen every year since–in good economic times and bad. Today, over half of American workers effectively hate their jobs. What has become clear...Read More