I talk a lot about empowering people to live life on purpose. This deals with your direction – your “why” for living. It also has an intimate connection to the stresses we feel on a day-to-day basis. Understanding our purpose for living and aligning our schedules accordingly helps relieve some of the stresses we experience...Read More
How Can You Make Success Certain? Living your life with a bug-free mind goes a long way in removing barriers to personal and professional growth. As humans, we accumulate a set of beliefs over the years. We usually aren’t even aware of them. Mixed in with good beliefs are also some bad beliefs we’ve picked...Read More
The study of happiness goes back thousands of years. So much of it deals with the human brain. The experts—neurologists–remind us that the brain is still a mystery. Yet it is helpful at a layman’s level to understand some basic things about the way our brains function in relationship to happiness. For the past few...Read More
The Voice of Wisdom or The Monkey Mind? The most important voice you’ll listen to today is yourself. There are a lot of voices that clamor for our attention—like monkeys chattering as they swing through the trees. But the one voice that has the most positive upside or the most negative downside isn’t what others...Read More