Leadership is about influence. And the most important person to influence is yourself. Since that’s true, the question is, “How can we best influence ourselves? Here are 5 ways the smartest people do this Make peace with the uncontrollable. Figure out the things you can change, and then change them. If you can’t change something,...Read More
What are the things that need to be done by the manager of an organization to work well with Millennials? The culture of an organization is important, but it goes beyond a “corporate culture”. It’s not just a matter of Deloitte gets it and IBM doesn’t, or vice versa. Rather than being a corporation to...Read More
I read an article recently with the headline, “Millennials, Also Known as Generation Y, Are Entering the Workforce Like a Flashflood.” Flashflood? That might not be the best metaphor. Flashfloods often stop as quickly as they start. Millennials (1980-2001), are now the largest generation in the workforce. And unlike a flashflood, their flow into the...Read More
Ebola and isolation are used in the same sentence. When someone needs to be quarantined isolation is a stopgap. But it was never intended to be a way of life. Yet people — without even thinking about it — isolate themselves all the time. Isolation Limits potential Restricts capacity Lowers impact Who are your allies,...Read More
“Why would I have to do what my boss asks me to do?” The student who asked this question of his friend was quite serious. Though it seems incredulous, with some thought, that question is not so easy to answer. The Millennial’s sincere curiosity wasn’t meant to be disrespectful. Yet the perception from most people...Read More
“Our mission in life should be to make a positive difference, not to prove how smart we are or how right we are.” Peter Drucker Leadership is about influence. When we influence others, we are leading them. When we influence ourselves, we are self-leading. That brings up the question, “What are the thoughts, behaviors and...Read More