
The famous Irish poet Oscar Wilde once said, “The final mystery is oneself.” But how do you unravel the mystery that is you? This can’t happen without self-awareness, and self-awareness won’t happen without reflection. Yet what does reflection really mean? Reflection is different from introspection. Introspection is simply looking in. Stopping there not only limits...
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Are you creating the best place, where the best people, can do their best work? Building an organization that’s fit for the future cannot happen without building an organization that’s fit for human beings. This kind of caring culture doesn’t start big.  It starts small – in those everyday encounters with the folks you come...
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You can be certain that this year will include uncertainty. Yet that should not stop you from moving forward on the abundant landscape stretched out before you. There will be fears along the way. So we tend to dread fear. All uncertainty has a certain amount of fear. Seth Godin poses another alternative, “how can...
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How often do you use your true voice?  It has the power of authenticity.  It’s your signature voice.  Both your heart and your head support it.  In a group or meeting ask yourself these questions: “What would I say if I knew everyone would agree?” “What would I say if I was not afraid?” If...
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Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  I think the reason I appreciate it so much is because it helps simplify my life.  It focuses on gratitude and a thankful disposition.  When I begin to think and feel what I am thankful for, it usually excludes many of the things that complicate my life.  I see them...
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“Sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself”. (Miles Davis) When we think unplugged, we think of musicians. We use the term when they give up all their technological advantages—the lights, electric guitars, speakers, amplifiers, media background, etc., and go back to their acoustic or box guitar and...
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