
Dr. Richard Leahy, a well-known therapist specializing in anxiety said, “The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950’s.” We’ve since discovered that the problem is not limited to a particular age group.  It’s widespread and epidemic. The problem attacks the body but...
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Anxiety can sprout as fast as mushrooms in a dark room.  It seems to multiply in the closets of our minds.  And if we get lazy, it will get the best of us. As counterintuitive as it is, anxiety is a lazy habit. We usually associate it with speed, racing, activity, hysteria, imbalance, over-functioning, plate-spinning,...
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We all want to be validated. It is essential to a healthy life. Yet it has a shadow side we need to understand. What is validation and how can it lead to a flawed view of reality? For starters… We are born with an innate desire for validation. Babies’ emotions, in part, are drawn from...
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Some of the most important things in life are accomplished when we have a sense of urgency. And some of the greatest stresses we endure are experienced when we are bombarded and ambushed by the emergencies of life. What’s the difference? It’s the locus of control. Are the stresses coming from outside ourselves, or are...
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Based on our research and your response, we’ve listed last year’s top 10 blog posts.  Several hit a real “need”  in your lives.  Some of my favorites were not on the list, but yours are. Here’s what we did – A. We have identified our top 10 posts 1. 9 Things Not To Do When You...
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Do you feel yanked around by your work, your life, or both? Does the mountain (the pile), in front of you seem insurmountable? Does your list of “to do’s” choke and marginalize what you have already accomplished? Do you feel overwhelmed? Stress is unavoidable. But we can complicate the problem. We get involved in exacerbating...
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Failure and mistakes don’t create anxiety.  Anxiety is created by the fear of failure and mistakes.  Anxiety takes our precious energy and consumes it in a future place that is not real.  Energy is only productive when exercised in the present. “Anxiety is nothing but repeatedly experiencing failure in advance.  What a waste.” —Seth Godin...
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The study of happiness goes back thousands of years.  So much of it deals with the human brain.  The experts—neurologists–remind us that the brain is still a mystery.  Yet it is helpful at a layman’s level to understand some basic things about the way our brains function in relationship to happiness. For the past few...
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How often do we hear, “Millennials have it so good”? This usually comes with a spoken, or unspoken statement that they are spoiled. Interestingly enough, they didn’t spoil themselves! The “Me” Generation spoiled them. The “Me” generation spoiled the “We” generation. Here’s the reality—they don’t have “everything” so good. They simply have a different set...
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