“Why would I have to do what my boss asks me to do?” The student who asked this question of his friend was quite serious. Though it seems incredulous, with some thought, that question is not so easy to answer. The Millennial’s sincere curiosity wasn’t meant to be disrespectful. Yet the perception from most people...Read More
They are called “The Golden Google Rules!” Google is not known as being a management guru organization. After all, they create things—technical stuff like search engines and productivity tools like Gmail. They started out with a philosophy of just leaving people alone. Let the engineers create their wonders. 20% of their work is “free time”...Read More
Ebola and isolation are used in the same sentence. When someone needs to be quarantined isolation is a stopgap. But it was never intended to be a way of life. Yet people — without even thinking about it — isolate themselves all the time. Isolation Limits potential Restricts capacity Lowers impact Who are your allies,...Read More
(Are They Born, Or Made?) According to current research, about 30% of a person’s leadership ability is genetic, and the rest is learned—but not necessarily in school. Stem cells are waiting to be developed. Much of that which is learned comes through life experiences. The contributions of life cannot be overlooked. Challenges, hardships, work experiences,...Read More