Nothing stands still. Things get better or worse. Let’s make this more personal. We are either getting better or worse. It’s a universal principle – starting with the Universe itself –that which doesn’t expand, contracts. We are either going forward or backward. Stephen Covey referred to this kind of thinking as sharpening the saw. Just...Read More
4 Things Successful People Do? Some of the most important things in life are accomplished when we have a sense of urgency. And some of the greatest stresses we endure are experienced when we are bombarded and ambushed by the emergencies of life. What’s the difference? It’s the locus of control. Are the stresses coming...Read More
“Why would I have to do what my boss asks me to do?” The student who asked this question of his friend was quite serious. Though it seems incredulous, with some thought, that question is not so easy to answer. The Millennial’s sincere curiosity wasn’t meant to be disrespectful. Yet the perception from most people...Read More