Who hasn’t been discouraged by lack of follow through or falling short of a desired goal or milestone? There are probably some good objective reasons why this occurred. But one that may go undetected is the surplus of options that we encounter. That might sound strange, for it seems at first glance that options are...Read More
Seventy-seven years ago MGM produced one of the best films of all time – – The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz. It was a 1939 film starring Judy Garland, and has been used over the years to highlight principles for both leading and living. The key principle is personal accountability. Dorothy, Tin Man, Lion and Scarecrow,...Read More
A tripwire is a passive triggering mechanism. It’s a cord, string, or wire that is attached to some device for detecting or reacting to physical movement – like the perimeter of an army camp. It’s an early warning system that some choices have to be made. In the book Decisive , the authors use the...Read More
Turning dreams into reality involves some luck. Organizations often discount the role of luck in strategic outcomes. You can’t plan your way into getting struck by lightening. Luck does play a roll in our success, but luck was never meant to be a strategy. If you are using luck as a strategy you will soon...Read More
All of us have an innate drive to succeed. Yet everywhere we look it seems like others are sliding into success. Their launch seems effortless. Gravity is holding us down. We don’t have the power for a successful liftoff. We are stuck on the Launchpad. In the aerospace world this is known as “escape velocity.” ...Read More
Here Are 4 Stages You Will Encounter You have just come off the only holiday that celebrates the passing of time. No other holiday does this. So it’s natural at this time of the year to stop, reflect, take stock, and accelerate. But what will make 2014 better than 2013? That’s a great question. It...Read More
Be Wise…..Prioritize! Now we know Santa manages a large staff and produces a huge volume of products. He is obviously very skilled at producing the right culture and motivating a very large workforce with a variety of talents. I’m sure he deals with the budgetary constraints that come from running a worldwide enterprise. Yet there...Read More
CAUTION!! You are about to enter the time-to-take-action zone. It’s an annual sojourn that usually starts right after the Thanksgiving holidays. We refer to them as resolutions. But resolutions do not equal intentions. The journey between now and the New Year is a bit treacherous. There are psychological obstacles and optical illusions that need to...Read More