No one has ever become a hero by dodging discomfort. At the core of our stories, fairy tales, movies and legends, the hero always encounters varying degrees of disequilibrium and disorientation. And this is where the greatest learning takes place. Everything you’ve ever wanted is one step across your comfort zone. How do you view...Read More
“If you let fear of consequences prevent you from following your deepest instinct, your life will be safe, expedient and thin.” – Katharine Butler Hathaway Without personal growth our lives are thin. Thin is another word for shallow. We intuitively know there is more. Somewhere between “I know” and “I don’t know” is where real...Read More
When we encounter discomfort we are faced with 3 choices: Avoidance, Resignation, or Engagement. Avoidance has its place. Why create discomfort where it’s not necessary? How does one decide what is and isn’t necessary? Going to school and work often create discomfort, but it’s necessary. Exercising can create discomfort, but we know the benefits. Medical...Read More
What makes us the most powerful creature on earth? It’s our imagination! With our imagination we are able to think into the future. We create, plan and manipulate our environment. Because it is powerful, it also has the ability to pollute our lives and cause personal damage in the form of stress and anxiety. Add...Read More