No one has ever become a hero by dodging discomfort. At the core of our stories, fairy tales, movies and legends, the hero always encounters varying degrees of disequilibrium and disorientation. And this is where the greatest learning takes place. Everything you’ve ever wanted is one step across your comfort zone. How do you view...Read More
“It ain’t the roads we take; it’s what’s inside us that makes us turn out the way we do.” – O. Henry When it comes to the subject of change, you don’t need fluff or theory. So let’s get right to the heart of the matter. The way we change can take many forms. Knowing this...Read More
“If you let fear of consequences prevent you from following your deepest instinct, your life will be safe, expedient and thin.” – Katharine Butler Hathaway Without personal growth our lives are thin. Thin is another word for shallow. We intuitively know there is more. Somewhere between “I know” and “I don’t know” is where real...Read More
Whether change is being thrust upon you or whether you are boldly going where others have not, it would be a good idea to dissect change to gain a better understanding. Fact #1 — Choices: change is a choice everyone makes. It is not always a dreaded exercise as is often portrayed in the media...Read More
Fear is a fact. We all experience it. When I talk about fears, I’m not referring to the phobias that people have or the adrenaline that explodes through our body when our safety is suddenly threatened. The first needs clinical help, and the second recedes as the danger passes. I’m talking about those fears that...Read More
As we approach this year’s closure, what is the #1 quality that will propel us into the new year – with a head start? It will be your desire. Desire is the fire within! So let’s take the time to measure your desire meter. If I want to get an idea of a person’s...Read More
Anyone who has flown a little has had the bumpy experience of a turbulent ride. Turbulence is indiscriminate in its ability to shake things up. The plane can be large or small. The passengers can be important. They can be on Air Force One, or a West Coast Commuter. If it happens during meal service,...Read More