I read an article recently with the headline, “Millennials, Also Known as Generation Y, Are Entering the Workforce Like a Flashflood.” Flashflood? That might not be the best metaphor. Flashfloods often stop as quickly as they start. Millennials (1980-2001), are now the largest generation in the workforce. And unlike a flashflood, their flow into the...Read More
Shifting through the generational noise is not necessarily easy, but it’s necessary. There is a lot of clatter when it comes to generational “stereotypes”. One newscaster says one thing and then a press release says another. One pundit says “A” and then another says “B”, and in the process contradicting themselves. So how do you...Read More
There are new challenges that threaten to undermine the continued growth of our knowledge economy. The giant sucking sound that could be heard is the sound of knowledge being drained out of organizations by retirements and other turnovers. The term Brain Drain was first coined by the Royal Society to describe the immigration of scientists...Read More
I was at a dinner party a few nights ago where the topic around the table was each person’s generational grouping. There is often a concerted effort to label generations with dates. Then people look at their date of birth to put a particular description or disposition on themselves. Caution. The natal anniversary of an...Read More
“The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence. It’s to act with yesterday’s logic.” – Peter Drucker Many organizations are re-thinking, re-imagining, and reinventing the workplace. They are doing so for a number of reasons. As they look at current trends, they become better at understanding future demographics. They are not looking...Read More
In Spite Of The Fiscal Cliff Everyone is talking about the looming Fiscal Cliff. It’s an issue, yet there is another threat that has gone unnoticed by the mainstream media. An appropriate metaphor would be that of a Demographic Tsunami. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a slowdown in the labor force growth and...Read More
(Are You Prepared To Attract Qualified Workers?) You’ve read the headlines. One day they say, Companies Report Record Profits. The next day it’s, Unemployment Is At 10 Percent. What gives? Payrolls have been cut to the bone. Technology has created a surplus of unskilled labor, thus layoffs. It will create new and better jobs, but...Read More
How often do we hear, “Millennials have it so good”? This usually comes with a spoken, or unspoken statement that they are spoiled. Interestingly enough, they didn’t spoil themselves! The “Me” Generation spoiled them. The “Me” generation spoiled the “We” generation. Here’s the reality—they don’t have “everything” so good. They simply have a different set...Read More