
We live in a culture that favors the strong.  In that context “meekness” is often confused with “weakness.”  Yet nothing could be further from the truth.  Meekness is a power word.  In the ancient world it was often used to describe the winning horse in a race.  They were called “meek”, which meant “strength under control.” ...
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4 Things Successful People Do? Some of the most important things in life are accomplished when we have a sense of urgency. And some of the greatest stresses we endure are experienced when we are bombarded and ambushed by the emergencies of life. What’s the difference? It’s the locus of control. Are the stresses coming...
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What Does Science Say? The concept of multitasking has grown in concert with the rapid increase in technology. For me on a personal level, this has blurred stopping points, boundaries, and finish lines. You’ve experienced this. No matter where we retreat, our work follows us closely. Like a bad rash, we know that scratching the...
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Is Multi-focusing Possible? When we hear admonitions like, “eat less”, “floss your teeth”, “exercise more”, we know intuitively that we should.  Yet we often live as though it’s not true.  In a similar way, deep down inside we have this sneaking suspicion that ricocheting from one thing to another is not as productive as we...
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CAUTION!! You are about to enter the time-to-take-action zone. It’s an annual sojourn that usually starts right after the Thanksgiving holidays. We refer to them as resolutions. But resolutions do not equal intentions. The journey between now and the New Year is a bit treacherous. There are psychological obstacles and optical illusions that need to...
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