Develop a Strategic Plan For Your Life



As a leader are you too busy doing what you have to do, to consider what you want to do? Mick presents the ideas and inspiration found in his book, Who Are You?  What Do you Want?: Four Questions That Will Change Your Life. He will guide you in the art of asking the right questions that get to core issues. Four questions: Who are you and what do you want? Where are you and why are you there? What will you do and how will you do it? Who are your allies and how can they help? This Four Dimensional Thinking model was developed through years of observations, consulting, and working with leaders. Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager, who wrote the forward says this, “The four questions provide you a means to gain perspective and clarity to deal successfully with every personal and professional challenge you may face.” Small steps today create large changes over time.

Topic Take Aways

Role Clarity

In life we have many roles, and each role includes what others expect of you and what you expect of yourself

Rediscover You

Rediscover what you are really passionate about, and be able to define values for the “Best of Your Life”.

Get Unstuck

Everybody gets stuck, whether your work is unfulfilling, exercise out of whack, relationship isn’t what it should be, etc. Successful people know how to get unstuck

Addressing the Symptom

The difference between a problem and a predicament – addressing the symptom instead of the system.

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